Prayer List

Chronic Pain

Lord, I am too small to know your plan, pain clouds my thoughts and my strengths are not sufficient. I need you Lord, I know you have a plan for my life, and I trust in you, help me through this pain so I can glorify your name, use me Lord to reach the hearts of my brothers and sisters, may they can see you in me, may they want what you offer. You were very clear when you healed the demon possessed man, "Go home" and tell them about you. Lord I want to do that 

Prayers of Supplication

As time passes, our bodies decay because we live in a cursed world. We were meant to live forever in the presence of the Lord, of God. But we all know what happened, right? We happened.

Some of us skate through life like a breeze and leave, smiling and peacefully. Some others waste their lives stuck in alcoholism, drugs, and sex, and some others just suffer because that is what they got. The Lord promises us not to leave us nor forsake us, never to leave our side. So, let’s ask Him to show us His love and mercy. Lord, help us as we walk through our dark valleys, grant us the strength to go through and use us to bring blessings to others in need. Lord, I lift up my family, my wife, and children, and I ask You to guide them as they walk their own walk. Help me to be ready to love them when they are hurt, and love them because they are happy.

Sexual Bondage

Our children, our spouses, our pastors, our church members are in danger. Pornography has become a problem of pandemic proportions; more than 80% of men are currently watching pornography, this includes our children. We cannot stand still; we need to be proactive and protect our church or families. Lord, give us the strength and wisdom to fight back; to claim our purity back, to protect our children. Lord call your sons and daughters to join us

Do Not Forsake Me Oh Lord

Lord, I lift up my arms towards you; I confess my sin. I have sinned against you; in my actions and in my thoughts. You see me while I sin; though I don't want to do it, it is as if I am possessed and cannot stop. Lord help me build new neurological paths in my brain to overcome my sin, come to my rescue oh Lord. Guide my thoughts and steps today Lord and all of the days of my life. I will commit today to you, who love me unconditionally.

Weekly Bible Studies

"24 And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, 25 not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching".

Bible Studies are not just a group of friends that gather together to 'hang-out', but rather a group of friends who gather together to open the word of God.

  • Pray that God may speak through the leader and teach us the word of God.
  • Pray that God may reveal himself to us through his word and enables us to do his great work.
  • Pray that God may bring us together with an open heart and prompt ear to listen to his word.

Ephesians 6:17-18 NIV

17And take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. 18 Pray in the Spirit at all times, with every kind of prayer and petition. To this end, stay alert with all perseverance in your prayers for all the saints.

  • Pray for people who are feeling alone in these difficult times.
  • Pray that God may stop this pandemic that has bring the whole world to their knees.
  • Pray that as we stay at home we would find peace among family members and that we would grow stronger together.
  • Pray for the economy of our country.

Rideauview Bible Chapel

  • New: Pray that Bill C-6 will not pass as proposed by the Liberal government.  This Bill will impact homeschooling parents in a unique way, as it violates their right to educate their children in certain subject matter, exposing them to the risk of severe penalties should they choose not to comply.  
  • New: Pray for calm, peace and safety on Wednesday during the inauguration of the new US President.
  • Please pray for the development of a team to lead Women’s ministries at Rideauview.
  • Ongoing fellowship between us in spite of the lockdown.
  • Pray for families who are struggling with health and other various issues.